Max Olijnyk

Posts tagged: photography

A Happy Medium – Bad News Books

I spoke to Harry Culy of Bad News Books about the ups and downs of being an independent publisher in New Zealand, and I also hassled him for one of those cool hoodies. Link here

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I went to EMB by Sarah Olijnyk

This is a companion piece to My mum went to EMB – written by my mum, Sarah.

I was just a few months into being forty. In those days, that was middle age—when we felt that time was slipping away and it was time to have a go. My three children were aged…

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Cindy Sherman interview

I was lucky enough to meet one of the greatest artists alive, and interview her for Vice.

American holiday part two: New York

As mentioned in my LA blog, I had intentions of keeping a travel diary during my ten days or so in New York, but all that fell out the window as soon as I got there. It really is a fantastic place, more exciting and endlessly fascinating than anywhere I’ve been, but it is so involving, so…

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Treetops and Bananaman

The two campervans are a permanent fixture to the Treetops carpark. They’re bigger than campervans, actually – they’re homes on wheels. I’ve seen the curtains move, so I know they’re inhabited. I wonder what the deal is, who the people are, if the council minds. It does seem like a little tucked-away part of Wellington…

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Bill Henson: The In-Betweener

Perched on a milk crate in the Broadsheet storage room, I spoke to Bill Henson on the phone for about half an hour. It was amazing!