Every year RNZ Drama produces a collection of short stories from the graduating MA writers at the International Institute of Modern Letters, Victoria University Wellington. Here is a recording of me reading ‘A Skate in Town’, an excerpt from the novel I worked on during the MA, which was broadcast on RNZ on August 5…
Like all of you, I love Keegan. I’m so sorry he died. He was amazing.
I’ve been living in New Zealand for the past few years, so the main way I’ve interacted with Keegan is online—I was loving the snack reports. His messages were usually responses to my own Instagram stories: ‘Yer Max’…
This is a companion piece to My mum went to EMB – written by my mum, Sarah.
I was just a few months into being forty. In those days, that was middle age—when we felt that time was slipping away and it was time to have a go. My three children were aged…
One day an email popped up with the subject line “Wanna go skating in China?” and I got that feeling. That freelance feeling. “Hi Ingrid,” I typed in reply, “I’d love to go skating in China!” A couple of months and about 50 emails later…
This story is about salted coffee, but it’s also about writing and getting older and trying to make friends. Published in The Good Copy Gazette issue five, but also online for The Good Copy.
‘…whenever I imagine my mum going to Embarcadero by herself in 1992 as a favor to her 15-year-old son and being spat at by a skater, I crumple up inside.’ I’m very excited to join forces with my friends Rob, Ed and Todd at Heavy Time (and my mum) for this book! 20…
I had driven grumpily the whole day. It all started at the playground in Wairoa, where Fred had fallen and squealed in terror as his skin fried on the gleaming hot metal floor of a merry-go-round and I just stood, useless, waiting for the stupid thing to rotate the whole way around so I could run into the…
The two campervans are a permanent fixture to the Treetops carpark. They’re bigger than campervans, actually – they’re homes on wheels. I’ve seen the curtains move, so I know they’re inhabited. I wonder what the deal is, who the people are, if the council minds. It does seem like a little tucked-away part of Wellington…