Max Olijnyk

Post filed under category: Publications

Isolated Community Zine

I am very proud to have three stories included in Brain Dead’s Isolated Community Zine Issue 1.

‘The Isolated Community zine is Brain Dead’s gift of respite during what have become the strangest days of our lives.’ – Brain Dead

Link to read and download here.

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Monster Children Issue 65

I wrote a sort of love letter to Wellington for the latest issue of Monster Children. I wrote it in the final weeks of our NZ tenure, a time in which, ironically, I finally felt really comfortable there. The magazine is available here.

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Smith Journal volume 32

In this issue, I interviewed Devendra Banhart the day after his house was burgled. It’s such a nice magazine, good on them.

If you’d like to order a copy, click here.


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‘A Skate in Town’ reading on Radio NZ

Every year RNZ Drama produces a collection of short stories from the graduating MA writers at the International Institute of Modern Letters, Victoria University Wellington. Here is a recording of me reading ‘A Skate in Town’, an excerpt from the novel I worked on during the MA, which was broadcast on RNZ on August 5…

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Smith Journal volume 31

In this issue, I wrote about how I never liked Bruce Springsteen but I like him now. More broadly, the piece is about why we like or don’t like things, and how those preferences and tastes can change. The magazine is available here.

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Smith Journal volume 30

In this issue, I was very fortunate to speak to comedian Maria Bamford about the meaning of (her) life.

You can buy a copy here

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Smith Journal volume 28

In this issue, I wrote a feature about the weird and delicious wines Garage Project have been making lately, along with a wider discussion about the contentious term ‘natural wine’. I also wrote some contentious product reviews.

Buy a copy here

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Really Don’t Wanna Go to This Funeral by Matthew Ware for m.33 books

I wrote an afterword for my friend Matt’s great new book. ‘Looking through this book searching for inspiration on what to write about it, I’m rendered mute. It’s not because the images aren’t saying anything to me – they’re saying plenty. And it’s not as if they don’t remind me of anything – they remind me…

I went to EMB by Sarah Olijnyk

This is a companion piece to My mum went to EMB – written by my mum, Sarah.

I was just a few months into being forty. In those days, that was middle age—when we felt that time was slipping away and it was time to have a go. My three children were aged…

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Look What We Made

I interviewed some interesting people for this new book about ‘the new generation of Australian makers’ that was put together by frankie magazine.

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My mum went to EMB

‘…whenever I imagine my mum going to Embarcadero by herself in 1992 as a favor to her 15-year-old son and being spat at by a skater, I crumple up inside.’ I’m very excited to join forces with my friends Rob, Ed and Todd at Heavy Time (and my mum) for this book! 20…

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Some Stories 4th edition

For the fourth reprint of my book, I decided to add a few more stories that cover our spell in Wellington, in 2016. I also changed the cover to an indigo blue. Collect them all!

You can buy one here.

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